Saturday, 23 July 2016

Download Pokemon Go Apk v0.29.2 For Free

Download Pokemon Go Apk Latest Version For Free:

Pokemon Go is a new android game developed by Niantic, Inc. The game is trending nowadays worldwide and everyone is getting mad for it. Recently the game is only available in few countries which include America, Austrailia, New Zeland, Italy and a few more. The developers are working hard to make it available worldwide but due to a high number of downloads. However in an official statement, they have made it clear that the game while is available worldwide.

Requirements For Pokemon Go:

To Download Pokemon Go You Must Need To Have An Android device having an android version of 4.2 or above. You also need to  have almost 100 MBs of free space on your android device. As the game sizes 56.0 MBs so keep it mind before downloading the game.

Another special requirement for the game (That is temporary) is your location. As discussed above that the game the available only in a few locations like America, Austrailia, New Zeland etc so also keep that in mind before downloading the game.

How To Play The Game From Any Location:

Some people says that there are some methods through which you can play this game from any location. But we willl prefer to wait but still if you are crazy and can't then then this article can help you: How To Play Pokemon Go From All Location

Download Pokemon Go Apk v29.2 For Free:

                                     CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD POKEMON GO APK